Updating to 64 bit programs
I received information that my current Microsoft Word, Excel etc needs updating. I'd like to know how to do this and if I must purchase new programs to be compatible?
iMac Pro
I received information that my current Microsoft Word, Excel etc needs updating. I'd like to know how to do this and if I must purchase new programs to be compatible?
iMac Pro
64-bit spec won't take effect until you download Catalina when it's available. If you choose not to update your OS, then MS apps should continue to work fine. If you do then check with MS to see what updates are available.
64-bit spec won't take effect until you download Catalina when it's available. If you choose not to update your OS, then MS apps should continue to work fine. If you do then check with MS to see what updates are available.
The developer needs to update their software. In some cases, they will no longer support older software and you may need to purchase newer versions. But you do not need to do anything until you want to install the next OS Catalina.
You can't update what you have. You must purchase a newer version. The current choices are the one-time cost, perpetual license Office 2019, or the yearly/monthly subscription version, Office 365.
Check out the MS website. I don't know if you'll have to purchase, as it depends on the version you currently have.
If I get an update from Microsoft, will it work on Sierra?
Yes, it should, Mac has been a 64-bit system forever. But there may be other factors so check the specs.
OK. I think I new from what I read that my Sierra would work OK with 32 bit now. I really want to know just how I an update my Microsoft Word, Excel and other Microsoft programs for Mac.
I suggest you check out LibreOffice and find out if it fills your needs. It is free.
I know it works for me.
Thank you.
Updating to 64 bit programs