I updated to Catalina but didn´t get the new Safari. What have I to do?
I updated to Catalina but didn´t get the new Safari because I didn't download Safari update at the same time. What have I to do?
I updated to Catalina but didn´t get the new Safari because I didn't download Safari update at the same time. What have I to do?
Have you checked System Preferences and the App Store for an update? Safari 13.0.2 has been released.
Have you checked System Preferences and the App Store for an update? Safari 13.0.2 has been released.
What version of Safari do you have?
Safari menu -> About Safari
I have Safari 13.0.1
You have the latest.
Thank you. Everything looks just the same as before. So I start wandering the version.
Thank you Eric. I got at last my Safari updated and have now the last version.
You are welcome.
I updated to Catalina but didn´t get the new Safari. What have I to do?