how to Carrie my factory unlocked iPhone
how to Carrie my unlock phone
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
how to Carrie my unlock phone
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 13
if you are the original owner, take the device, the original purchase receipt with the serial number, and a photo ID to the nearest Apple Store.
or contact Apple ID Support. They will need to see the original purchase receipt/paperwork also.
Apple Support by e-mail or chat
Or fill out and submit this form.
I want to unlocked my factory unlocked iPhone
Did you fill out and submit the form to contact Apple? Click here >>> this form.
They bought the phone to me from USA to Africa here and they is know Apple store in Ghana here
Then contact Apple ID Support, using the form at the end if necessary. You will need a copy of the original purchase receipt with the serial number
So it’s there any way to do because am staying out of USA now am in Ghana now and they is know Apple store here in Ghana
how to Carrie my factory unlocked iPhone