I’m just curious on how I can find out when I’m eligible for an iPhone upgrade?
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
I’m just curious on how I can find out when I’m eligible for an iPhone upgrade?
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
Have you contracted a yearly upgrade plan with Apple or some carrier?
There is no default upgrade. You have to enter in contract with Apple, where you pay a fixed monthly fee and every year when new models come out will be eligible to exchange the current for a new iPhone, for example. Some carriers offer similar plans. But you do have to sign a legally binding agreement first, which may also carry a mandatory minimum time lapse.
Have you contracted a yearly upgrade plan with Apple or some carrier?
There is no default upgrade. You have to enter in contract with Apple, where you pay a fixed monthly fee and every year when new models come out will be eligible to exchange the current for a new iPhone, for example. Some carriers offer similar plans. But you do have to sign a legally binding agreement first, which may also carry a mandatory minimum time lapse.