how can I delete duplicates in Contacts on
how can I delete duplicates in Contacts on
how can I delete duplicates in Contacts on
According to: If you see duplicate contacts after setting up iCloud Contacts - Apple Support
According to: If you see duplicate contacts after setting up iCloud Contacts - Apple Support
Yes, that appears to be an unsatisfactory link, but at the bottom of that page it displays:
Tell us how we can help
Answer a few questions and we'll help you find a solution.
After clicking on that link follow the subsequent troubleshooting tree links:
I visited apple support. It said if I see duplicate contacts in iCloud to visit apple support. I must be doing something wrong.
I received an error message when I tried to schedule a call. They must be swamped. I will try again tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
how can I delete duplicates in Contacts on