Time Machine back up help needed on my 5k iMac late 2014.
unable to restore a recent time machine back up on my late 2014 5k IMac. Can anyone help me? I have Mohave 10.14.6
iMac with Retina 5K display, macOS 10.14
unable to restore a recent time machine back up on my late 2014 5k IMac. Can anyone help me? I have Mohave 10.14.6
iMac with Retina 5K display, macOS 10.14
You did not answer the question above, so I will re-phrase and re-ask it.
"What has happened, that requires you to do a full Restore from your Time Machine backup?"
Beatlejoose wrote:
I can't even try to restore a specific day or any day as the entire time machine access to restore has been taken away. after I get into time machine from my home screen, the restore button is not highlighted, only the cancel button is highlighted
Normally you would use that method to restore a single file or two, not a full restore.
If you want to do a full restore from Time Machine, then you will need to read
"Restore all your files" at > Restore your Mac from a backup - Apple Support
"Restore both macOS your files" at > Restore your Mac from a backup - Apple Support
You did not answer the question above, so I will re-phrase and re-ask it.
"What has happened, that requires you to do a full Restore from your Time Machine backup?"
Beatlejoose wrote:
I can't even try to restore a specific day or any day as the entire time machine access to restore has been taken away. after I get into time machine from my home screen, the restore button is not highlighted, only the cancel button is highlighted
Normally you would use that method to restore a single file or two, not a full restore.
If you want to do a full restore from Time Machine, then you will need to read
"Restore all your files" at > Restore your Mac from a backup - Apple Support
"Restore both macOS your files" at > Restore your Mac from a backup - Apple Support
I can't even try to restore a specific day or any day as the entire time machine access to restore has been taken away. after I get into time machine from my home screen, the restore button is not highlighted, only the cancel button is highlighted
OK, I got it, I got help from the Apple support line. it need to highlight the actual file from the present and then open time machine and go to date that you want to retire the file or data from and then click on it and it will create another folder with that info on it. at that point the restore button will highlight and you can add just those files or database to your present folder
You're welcome.
Yeah' for the most part, I only use Time Machine to do full restores after upgrading an internal drive and/or for moving user data to a new Mac. In addition to Time Machine, I use CarbonCopyCloner which has actually been around for longer than Time Machine.
OK that makes sense now. I though that you were trying to go back to a day and do a full restore. Glad to here that you were able to recover what you were looking for.
What has happened in more detail, that requires you to Restore from your Time Machine backup?
What happens when you follow the directions, at > Restore your Mac from a backup - Apple Support
thanks for the help and maybe dig deeper I just don’t remember the last time I used Time Machine so I had to work at through
Time Machine back up help needed on my 5k iMac late 2014.