Icloud storage
I have been told by apple that my icloud storage is full and I need to upgrade. I keep deleting images and films, but cant seem to reduce the storage. Any suggestions or fixes wou,d be helpful - Thanks!
I have been told by apple that my icloud storage is full and I need to upgrade. I keep deleting images and films, but cant seem to reduce the storage. Any suggestions or fixes wou,d be helpful - Thanks!
First archive the data https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT204055
See some articles to reduce the data https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT204247
First archive the data https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT204055
See some articles to reduce the data https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT204247
Thanks Winston.
Yes, Apple/icloud is telling me my storage is full. I am deleting the content on my phone. My phone is not full as hen I back up I see it still has plenty of capacity. I keep deleting and still get endless notices from apple that my icloud storage is full and I ned to buy more storage.
Deleting images from your phone will only be deleting them from the cloud if you have iCloud photos enabled. Deleting your photos seems a fairly drastic approach to avoiding subscribing to more iCloud space unless they truly are just clutter.
Welcome to the Apple community.
Firstly, are you sure that it is your iCloud storage that is full and not your device? Secondly, where are you deleting these images and movies from, is it the cloud or is it your device?
Icloud storage