Songs grayed out in playlists
Can't figure out why my songs are grayed out in iTunes playlist. See attached pic. They play fine and they arn't grayed out in the all songs section. Just playlist.
Anyone have any ideas?
Windows, Windows 6
Can't figure out why my songs are grayed out in iTunes playlist. See attached pic. They play fine and they arn't grayed out in the all songs section. Just playlist.
Anyone have any ideas?
Windows, Windows 6
cterie Said:
"Scrambled photos in albums from Itunes to Ipad. Recently my photos have been scrambled between albums when syncing the photos which are in folders from iTunes to my iPad?"
Internet Connection Issues: Something is going on with your Internet connection. So,...
If you mean the Songs view Column Browser shown in the second screenshot in my post (the genres, artists and albums columns), - piece of cake.
On iTunes' top bar menu:
The bottom two options on that list are very useful:
As tt2 suggests, the songs are de-selected (or unticked in the Songs view)
and in the Songs view, that song will not be greyed out but it will also not have a tick in the selection box:
Either click on the song in the Songs view box, or as tt2 says, right-click in the Albums view:
This has nothing to do with my questions and the quote is wrong too. Not sure what this is all about.
cterie wrote:
No I have that in songs. I am looking for the below columns for my playlists.
One of my playlists has it but none of the others.
Ah, okay. Bear in mind that each Playlist can have its own view. So simply changing the view in one Playlist will not affect the other ones.
Try selecting the greyed out tracks, right-click, click Check Selection.
No I have that in songs. I am looking for the below columns for my playlists.
One of my playlists has it but none of the others.
That worked thank you. Any idea on how to get the view options bar to show up at the top?
Got this mixed up the other post - appears their 's was deleted. Didn't have time this delete this one.
View > View As > Songs.
Yep, that was it. Thank you!
You're welcome. 🙂
Songs grayed out in playlists