Target Display Mode 2011 iMac 🖥 to 2020 iMac 🖥
No problem connecting in target display mode or Target disc mode my current late 2014 iMac 27 inch running Big Sur to my 2011 iMac 27 inch running Sierra,, so connecting thunderbolt 2 to thunderbolt, which is the same cable.
Concerned a thunderbolt 3, which is a different connector would need the thunderbolt three to 2/thunderbolt adapter and need a 2011 to be used in target display mode using my DAW logicPro workstation with two displays. Otherwise program program is much more difficult to use.
If anyone has experience if this will work still with 2020 iMac to the 2011 iMac which would require the adapter thunderbolt 3to thunderbolt 2/thunderbolt, or where I might find the answer.
Best, Seth