App Store icon
My App Store app icon is missing how do I find or reinstate it?
iPhone 6, iOS 12
My App Store app icon is missing how do I find or reinstate it?
iPhone 6, iOS 12
I don't have iOS 12 to know the exact menu area to look.. but check if you have something similar to this
Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > iTunes & App Store Purchases > Installing Apps
make sure that's set to 'Allow'
In iOS 14, if that is set to 'Don't Allow', it will hide the App Store
I don't have iOS 12 to know the exact menu area to look.. but check if you have something similar to this
Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > iTunes & App Store Purchases > Installing Apps
make sure that's set to 'Allow'
In iOS 14, if that is set to 'Don't Allow', it will hide the App Store
Says 12.5.1 is up to date. When I go to support it says update available but then says safari can’t connect
Is your iPhone model really an iPhone 6 running iOS 12?
I think that did it thank you very much
No problem, glad to be of help!
App Store icon