how I do to create a formula to subtract?
how I do to create a formula to subtract?
Place the Minuend in cell B2
Place the Subtrahend in cell B3
Click on cell B4 and type = to open the Formula Editor.
In the formula editor: click B2, type "-" (without the quotes)
Click cell B3
The formula editor will show B2-B2 (with the two cell addresses shown on coloured 'lozenges')
Click the green checkmark to confirm the formula and close the editor.
The Difference will show in cell B3.
Other cells may be substituted for the three named.
Place the Minuend in cell B2
Place the Subtrahend in cell B3
Click on cell B4 and type = to open the Formula Editor.
In the formula editor: click B2, type "-" (without the quotes)
Click cell B3
The formula editor will show B2-B2 (with the two cell addresses shown on coloured 'lozenges')
Click the green checkmark to confirm the formula and close the editor.
The Difference will show in cell B3.
Other cells may be substituted for the three named.
Do you mean the Subtrahend would be the total of the values in cells B2 to B20?
Where is the Minuend from which this value will be subtracted?
Where do you want to see the Difference
Formula in Dif. cell:
Min.. - SUM(B2:B20
Replace Min. with the address of the cell containing the Minuend.
I understood what you answered me now, but that would not be it.
I will try to give you a better example.
if I want to subtract the entire column from B2 until B20.
how would i make this formula?
and thanks for trying to help me
"if I want to subtract the entire column from B2 until B20.
how would i make this formula?
and thanks for trying to help me"
How you would 'make this formula' depends on what you mean by "subtract the entire column from B2 to B20.'
Do you want to do 19 individual subtractions, each involving the value from a single cell in that range?
What are you subtracting each of the numbers from? All from the same value? Each from a different value?
Where is this value (or these values) located?
Where is the result (or where are the results) of this ( these ) subtractions to be shown?
With a detailed and clear statement of what you want to be done, it should be possible to answer your question.
helped me a lot. thank you
another question.
and if I want to subtract from B2 to B20