Lost file on mail program
Hi, I've just renamed one of my folders in the mail program and all of a sudden the folder is gone and with its all the mails. How can I restore the folder with its mails?
MacBook Pro 15″, OS X 10.10
Hi, I've just renamed one of my folders in the mail program and all of a sudden the folder is gone and with its all the mails. How can I restore the folder with its mails?
MacBook Pro 15″, OS X 10.10
When you renamed the folder, it may have lined up in alphabetical order. Have you checked for the folder with the new name? The other option is Time Machine backup if you use it. You can restore from Time Machine. If you do not use Time Machine for backups then you can check on the email provider's website and see whether any remnants of that folder exist there. Also check the Deleted Items folder of the email account.
Axel F.
When you renamed the folder, it may have lined up in alphabetical order. Have you checked for the folder with the new name? The other option is Time Machine backup if you use it. You can restore from Time Machine. If you do not use Time Machine for backups then you can check on the email provider's website and see whether any remnants of that folder exist there. Also check the Deleted Items folder of the email account.
Axel F.
I found the folder, but there is no content. Yes, I have a back up system. I will have to find it there obviously. I just thought it would be somewhere on the laptop since I didn't delete it, I just renamed the folder.
Lost file on mail program