Deleted photos from
My simple question is: My iCloud photos are on .. so when i delete photos from will they be deleted from the camera roll itself? or just from shared albums or icloud album
iPhone XR
My simple question is: My iCloud photos are on .. so when i delete photos from will they be deleted from the camera roll itself? or just from shared albums or icloud album
iPhone XR
When you delete a photo from, it will be deleted from all devices that are syncing with iCloud Photos. If your iPhone or iPad is syncing with iCloud Photos, the photo will be deleted from photos library on that device. The purpose of iCloud Photos is to keep the photo libraries in sync and identical on all your devices with iCloud Photos. You will always be seeing the same photos and albums at and on all your synced devices.
Shared Albums are using independent (smaller) copies of your photos, so the photo will not be deleted from a shared album, if you shared it there.
When you delete a photo from, it will be deleted from all devices that are syncing with iCloud Photos. If your iPhone or iPad is syncing with iCloud Photos, the photo will be deleted from photos library on that device. The purpose of iCloud Photos is to keep the photo libraries in sync and identical on all your devices with iCloud Photos. You will always be seeing the same photos and albums at and on all your synced devices.
Shared Albums are using independent (smaller) copies of your photos, so the photo will not be deleted from a shared album, if you shared it there.
As per the article Get help with iCloud Photos - Apple Support
What happened to the Camera Roll album on my iOS device?
After you turn on iCloud Photos, the Camera Roll album is replaced with an All Photos album. The All Photos album gives you the same compact scroll view, now with all your photos and videos organized by the date you add them.
If you delete photos from iPhone when iCloud is turned as on synced devices iPhone / Mac / iPad the photos will simultaneously deleted from all devices and moved in recently deleted Delete photos on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
Delete photos or recover deleted ones in Photos on Mac - Apple Support
Shared albums photos will not be deleted ( as if you share albums the devices are not necessarily signed in with same Apple ID and password on the same essential same network ) , however photos will also be deleted from
Deleted photos from