How can I lock my lost Iphone ?
How can I lock my lost Iphone ?
iPhone XR, iOS 14
How can I lock my lost Iphone ?
iPhone XR, iOS 14
Here is how to Mark your device as Lost:
When you mark your device as lost, you remotely lock it with a passcode, keeping your information secure. This also disables Apple Pay on the missing device. And you can display a custom message with your contact information on the missing device.
More information on ➔ what to do If your iPhone is lost or stolen.
Axel F.
Here is how to Mark your device as Lost:
When you mark your device as lost, you remotely lock it with a passcode, keeping your information secure. This also disables Apple Pay on the missing device. And you can display a custom message with your contact information on the missing device.
More information on ➔ what to do If your iPhone is lost or stolen.
Axel F.
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How can I lock my lost Iphone ?