hide sheet in numbers
how can one hide a sheet in Numbers?
(just asking again so someone notices that it's still an issue...)
how can one hide a sheet in Numbers?
(just asking again so someone notices that it's still an issue...)
Is this an 'issue,' or a decision of those designing Numbers?
If you feel it is an issue that should be remedied, choose Provide Numbers Feedback in the Numbers menu, and make a Feature Enhancement request.
The 'someones' who could make that change do not participate in this user-to-user community. Use the feedback channel to send your message to Apple.
Is this an 'issue,' or a decision of those designing Numbers?
If you feel it is an issue that should be remedied, choose Provide Numbers Feedback in the Numbers menu, and make a Feature Enhancement request.
The 'someones' who could make that change do not participate in this user-to-user community. Use the feedback channel to send your message to Apple.
Numbers doesn't support hiding a sheet (tab).
hide sheet in numbers