manual or user guide for iPad Air model A1475
Where can I find a copy of a manual or user guide for the iPad Air, model A1475.
Where can I find a copy of a manual or user guide for the iPad Air, model A1475.
tap on this Books/iBooks link below
iPad User's Guide for iOS 12.3
Be advised that your iPad “A” model number corresponds to a 2013 iPad Air 1st generation, which is 8-years old, already, and cannot be upgraded beyond any version of iOS 12, currently at iOS 12.5.4.
tap on this Books/iBooks link below
iPad User's Guide for iOS 12.3
Be advised that your iPad “A” model number corresponds to a 2013 iPad Air 1st generation, which is 8-years old, already, and cannot be upgraded beyond any version of iOS 12, currently at iOS 12.5.4.
Thank you very much. You were a great help.
manual or user guide for iPad Air model A1475