Can I get a new charger if I turn in my old one for free
My old charger don’t work no more . Some one said if I come to you guy. You will replace it for free
My old charger don’t work no more . Some one said if I come to you guy. You will replace it for free
If you purchased these AirPods within the last 14 days, you can return them for either a full refund or a replacement. After that, unless the Apple technician verifies that this is a manufacturing defect, as muguy has already mentioned, your only option would be to purchase a replacement charging case.
If you purchased these AirPods within the last 14 days, you can return them for either a full refund or a replacement. After that, unless the Apple technician verifies that this is a manufacturing defect, as muguy has already mentioned, your only option would be to purchase a replacement charging case.
No. But you can recycle it in the store and purchase a new one.
Can I get a new charger if I turn in my old one for free