Hello! Is the HelpViewer app normal in MacOS Monterey? Because it disrupts the screen time app. I can't check the actual screen time and how do I uninstall the app?
MacBook Air (2020 or later)
Hello! Is the HelpViewer app normal in MacOS Monterey? Because it disrupts the screen time app. I can't check the actual screen time and how do I uninstall the app?
MacBook Air (2020 or later)
I had the same problem after updating. An easy solution I found is to set a time limit on the app.
Here are the steps:
Hope that helps!
I had the same problem after updating. An easy solution I found is to set a time limit on the app.
Here are the steps:
Hope that helps!
The Native Process in Monterey should not be attempted to " disabled ".
Attempting to modify, alter, remove any native process is an invitation for a possible disaster requiring a Reinstallation of the Operating System.
A safe method to stop the process has been provided.
Exactly how is this specific process harming the the Operating System ?
How does this specific process hinder, reduce or slow down the functionality of the installed version of macOS ?
If one really what to see the overall condition of the Hardware and Software >>
Suggest downloading the Application Etrecheck directly from a well Respected ASC Contributor.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with nor receive compensation from the Developer.
The application is free or paid from added features.
Run the application with Full Disc Access ( Security & Privacy - Full Disc Access ).
It will take a Snap Shot - both the hardware and software.
The Report will Not Reveal Any Personal Information.
Post back the Full Report - copy and paste - using the Additional Text Icon ( 3rd Icon to last )
We can have a look at the report for possible issues and may have possible suggestions to resolve the issues.
Any Third Party Applications that will interfere with the normal operation of the OS, alter, modify, remove or delete or attempt to do so is an invitation for disaster and may require a Reinstallation of the OS.
This includes AntiVirus, Cleaners, Optimizes, UnInstaller etc.
The The Built in Security is all that is required.
I'm having the same issue. My ScreenTime shows 24 hour a day usage, and it's all the HelpViewer process. I'm assuming this is either a bug that it's constantly running, or it's not actually running but ScreenTime thinks it is. This is after updating to Monterey.
Hello! The HelpViewer problem in screen time app is resolved. I restarted my Macbook Air a few days ago. It did not register in the screen time app ever since. The simple solution is just restarting the laptop. Thank you!
Not the case. I first noticed HelpViewer running when I initially upgraded to Monterey, and I was getting popup notifications telling me how to use the new OS. If I was leaving the notification up (ie in the notifications screen in the right sidebar) HelpViewer would be running, which seems like a bug in and of itself. Having a help tool notification up should not require the utility to run 24/7, even when the device is asleep.
I just checked my Screen Time for the past week, and apparently it's been running 24/7 again for the past week. There are no Tips notifications in the notifications sidebar, and I have three windows open - two for Chrome and one for my mail client. Yet HelpViewer has been running all day. There's no reason this should be happening at all.
How about not using Help Viewer? In case you are not aware, anytime you click the Help menu in any application, and choose one of the Help Topics, the window that opens is part of Help Viewer, and not the host application - like this one, about Safari:
The HelperView is a native Apple Process and is part of the operating system.
As such - it can not be removed or uninstalled
It appears, that at some time, an Apple popup doing an " Introduction to the New Features" in Monterey may have been presented and never allowed to run or dismissed immediately .
Do not know when and if this Introduction will appear again but if it does - let it run a fews seconds then close it.
There maybe a way using Activity Monitor >> View >> View All process and look in Memory Tab for the HelperView and use the tool bar menu to Quit the process.
It will just unload the active process and do not harm to the computer.
The Help Viewer process should only be running if it has a window open. Those windows sit on top of everything else, so I can't imagine it is open and you don't know it.
I have no use for Screen Time, but I only see the Help Viewer process running in Activity Monitor unless I open Help in an App.
Look in Activity Monitor for the HelpViewer process and force it to quit if it is there. Maybe it is stuck.
In Activity Monitor, choose All Processes from the View menu. You can quit a process by clicking on the Octagon button with X in it.
I used to have the exact problems. It annoyed me (as ****) at first but then i just used my mac without paying much attention to it. Few shut downs now and there and viola it got solved
(i think it took around half a month(?) and i usually shut down my mac only after a long period passes, e.g. 2 months but this situation was an exception)
Update: looks like this actually doesn't work(setting time limit to the HelpViewer app)
I've fixed this problem with restarting my device.
Could I at least disabled atleast?
Okay thank you! I just wanted it gone because I cannot check the screen time clearly, I am observing my battery usage through the screen time app and it has disrupted everything.
Same for me! I now started getting 24 Hours of usage from HelpViewer starting on November 7 at 1:40 PM and It's still going!
yes, it works for some