Disappear Flagged Folder
My Flagged Folder shows 77 message but I can only see 10 on the screen. Where 'd id they go?
My Flagged Folder shows 77 message but I can only see 10 on the screen. Where 'd id they go?
I’ve tried shutting down all my devices. No changes. Interesting that “Flagged” is not available in our “iCloud mail account” either. Only VIP.
I’ve talked with Apple Support and they can’t explain it. Time to call Apple Support again. Maybe get someone knowledge.
currently Apple support and IT technicians working on “why my nestle collection” purchase thru iTunes in 2010 now only shows albums covers on 4 of the 13 albums
Regarding the Flagged Mail missing specifically - please read from the provided link.
I know it works as I too had a count of 100 Flagged e-mail which was off my about 90. Once I followed the instruction - presto - Flagged Mail Count was now spot on, 10.
Since one has already marked the Question as Solved - the instructions become unnecessary
Below is verbatim from the previous link provided >>>>> Mail showing incorrect number of flagged emails <<<<<
Quit Mail if it’s open.
• In ~/Library/Mail/V7/MailData, delete any file that begins with “Envelope Index,” such as Envelope Index or Envelope Index-shm.
• Your home Library folder is hidden by default. To display it, choose Finder > “Go to Folder” and then enter “~/Library”
• Open Mail.
• Mail creates new Envelope Index files. This process may take a few minutes, depending on how many messages Mail is reindexing.
• It will fix your issue.
Disregard all my other messaged below. P Phillip I went to your recommended link https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/379736/mail-showing-incorrect-number-of-flagged-emails
Follow instructions Library - Mail but unable to find any Envelope Index-shm. I did try "search feature" and nothing found.
Then I dug deeper into your message and no where could I find information for macOS Monterey 12.0.1.
Can you update your link to include macOS 12.0,1?
Thank you
Hi. I've been missing the "Flag Folder" for some time. I found the V9/MailData files as you recommended and delete the index file - about five of them and restarted mail. It imported all the mail and rebuilt the sidebar, but still no flags folder. What am I missing? Thanks
The important thing was " missing or wrong Flag Count " and not the missing Flagged Folder.
Under normal default setting, there is no Flagged Folder existing in Apple Mail unless the User has Created one folder called " Flagged " and either moved all flagged e-mails to that specific folder or created an Apple Rule to Move said Flagged e-mail to the Flagged Folder.
Cynthia Mcdonagh Said:
"Disappear Flagged Folder: My Flagged Folder shows 77 message but I can only see 10 on the screen. Where 'd id they go?"
Restart the Mac. See if they come back.
What instructions? I another post here on the community?
My Bad :-(( That was for Big Sur
The correct path is ~/Library/Mail/V9/MailData
Forgive my sloppy work and no excuses on my part
Got it. I wondered if I had to do that. It seems like Mail used to do that but I can fix it. Thanks for the help.
Disappear Flagged Folder