Airdrop does not work , says “waiting” indefinitely
All my airdrop does is says “waiting” after tapping. No solution works but sometimes it works and sometimes it just says waiting with no feedbacks
All my airdrop does is says “waiting” after tapping. No solution works but sometimes it works and sometimes it just says waiting with no feedbacks
Hello Maxifur,
Apple Support Communities is a great place for help with AirDrop on your iPhone, and we’re glad you were able to review the related article How to use AirDrop on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Since having this issue have you restarted your iPhone, and verified you’re running the latest iOS? If not, restarting and update are fantastic steps that may resolve the issue you’re facing.
Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Let us know how that goes!
Airdrop does not work , says “waiting” indefinitely