I want update my I phone 6
I want update my I phone 6
iPhone 6, iOS 12
I want update my I phone 6
iPhone 6, iOS 12
Your iPhone is running the latest available version for that model. There are no updates to iOS 13, iOS 14, nor iOS 15 for any models iPhone 6 and earlier. There are no hardware upgrades available. For access to apps that require newer iOS versions, your options are a newer (used, refurb) or new iPhone.
Sainibharat wrote:
how to updates to iOS 13, iOS 14, nor iOS 15 for any models iPhone 6
Replace this i{hone 6 with an iPhone 6s or newer.
There is no other way.
An iPhone 6s doubled the memory of an iPhone 6, among other changes.
An iPhone 6 cannot updated past iOS 12.5.5. If its already running that, then its as updated as it can be at this time
how to updates to iOS 13, iOS 14, nor iOS 15 for any models iPhone 6
I want update my I phone 6