Unsent sms messages
How do I delete the unsent sms message on iPhone 12? If holding down the sent sms, option "more" appears plus the trashcan.... while on the unsent sms only options "copy" and "save" appear. How do I delete it?
Thank you!
How do I delete the unsent sms message on iPhone 12? If holding down the sent sms, option "more" appears plus the trashcan.... while on the unsent sms only options "copy" and "save" appear. How do I delete it?
Thank you!
I am not clear what do you mean by Unsent message.
It would be better if you can please re-post with a screenshot, in order to understand the phenomenon better. Images/pictures speak louder than words.
Please understand this is a public forum: While attaching a Screenshot, do not provide any personal credentials, such as Card detail, email id, apple id, IMEI number, Serial Number, Phone number, Order ID, if you are sharing a map ensure your location is not identifiable, etc.
Position the text insertion point at the end of the message and tap delete until it's gone.
IdrisSeabright thank you! The matter was just in the positioning of my finger on the right spot! It worked! Thank you! ^_^
Here's a trick:
Press and hold on the spacebar on the keyboard and then the entire keyboard becomes a "trackpad".
Best of luck.
Unsent sms messages