Türkiye Apple şikayet, Bozuk telefon satışı ve ilgilenmeme
applied to Turkey APPLE twice, but I contacted you because they said they would
take care of it and it was not taken care of in any way, Please help me, My
phone is still broken and I don't know what to do.
problems I am experiencing are listed below.
bought an iPhone 12 128GB aqua green phone from Ankara-Ankamall Media Markt on
23.03.2021. As soon as I started using the phone, I noticed that the screen was
stuck, I couldn't switch and there was a problem with the camera. I thought it
would fix when I did the updates, but it didn't and I thought the problem was
with the screen protector 3 times and even though I changed it, the problems on
the phone did not go away. When I told the situation to the store where I
bought the phone, they directed me to Gürgençler iPhone service.
took my phone to Ankara/ Ankamall- Gürgençler service on 10.04.2021 and told my
complaints. Authorized female friend took the phone, removed the screen
protectors, checked the screen and said there is no problem with this phone.
When she insisted that there was a problem with the phone, she said let's send
it to the service. The authorized friend looked at the phone case, screen etc.
damage and scratch condition and said that there is no scratch or the slightest
damage on the phone and it was recorded, the service report was prepared and
the phone was reset and sent to the service.
10.07.2021, Gürgençler Authorized Service called me and said that there was a
"software problem" on the phone and they gave me my phone. When I
took the phone and went to the Media Markt store to have a screen protector
installed, we realized that there was a crash on the screen of the phone, and
Media Markt directed me back to the Gürgençler authorized service. It took me 5
minutes to get the phone from the service and go down to the Media Markt store
downstairs) I went to the Gürgençler service and showed the screen of my phone.
When I insisted, you must have slept with me, he shouted, snapped the phone,
and they sent me.
My phone has the problems I mentioned since the day I bought it and I can't
find a solution. 2. Gürgençler authorized service not only did not fix my phone
but also gave me a dent in my screen. As an iPhone user for years, I trusted
the iPhone warranty and now it helps me to solve my problem and why does he
sell the broken or faulty phone to us, why doesn't he stand behind the product?
have invoices and service minutes available, and I can present them whenever
iPhone 12, iOS 15