How to cancel a subscription although I’m offered no cancel options
How do I cancel an app before it’s renewal date?
iPhone 7 Plus
How do I cancel an app before it’s renewal date?
iPhone 7 Plus
Is the problem that you can't find the subscription, or is it you just don't see a cancel option?
If the former, see: If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed – Apple Support (UK)
If you still can't find a subscription, contact Apple Support using this issue-specific link at the end of the support article. --> Apple Support
If the latter: You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If you don’t see Cancel Subscription, then the subscription is already canceled and won't renew. An "Expires" date (instead of "Renews") means the current subscription will just run until then. "Resubscribe" is just in case you change your mind about having it end.
Is the problem that you can't find the subscription, or is it you just don't see a cancel option?
If the former, see: If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed – Apple Support (UK)
If you still can't find a subscription, contact Apple Support using this issue-specific link at the end of the support article. --> Apple Support
If the latter: You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If you don’t see Cancel Subscription, then the subscription is already canceled and won't renew. An "Expires" date (instead of "Renews") means the current subscription will just run until then. "Resubscribe" is just in case you change your mind about having it end.
This makes perfect sense! I just believed I had read the terms on this particular app, and it stated they’d renew automatically unless I cancelled first and I wanted to avoid getting a charge I’d rather not renew. Thanks friend!
See this article from Apple: If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
Thank you friend, but this advise was already given via Apple, and it allowed NO unsubscribing options. This is my actual dilemma. Thanks for trying! 🙂
You're welcome.
How to cancel a subscription although I’m offered no cancel options