How to pair an Apple TV with a remote?
How to pair an Apple TV remote with an Apple TV device that is hard wired to internet. Can’t get to settings
Apple TV
How to pair an Apple TV remote with an Apple TV device that is hard wired to internet. Can’t get to settings
Apple TV
What is your model Apple TV? Identify your Apple TV model - Apple Support
What is your model remote? Identify your Apple TV remote - Apple Support
For Apple TV (4th generation or later) and the Siri Remote, see:
If your Siri Remote or Apple TV Remote isn't working - Apple Support
For Apple TV (3rd generation or earlier) and the old style Apple Remote (aluminum), see:
What is your model Apple TV? Identify your Apple TV model - Apple Support
What is your model remote? Identify your Apple TV remote - Apple Support
For Apple TV (4th generation or later) and the Siri Remote, see:
If your Siri Remote or Apple TV Remote isn't working - Apple Support
For Apple TV (3rd generation or earlier) and the old style Apple Remote (aluminum), see:
How to pair an Apple TV with a remote?