Adding Calculator to iPad Control Center
I believe it’s time to introduce a native calculator to iPad’s control center, just like iPhone. Nothing more needs to be said.
Kyle’s iPad
I believe it’s time to introduce a native calculator to iPad’s control center, just like iPhone. Nothing more needs to be said.
Kyle’s iPad
westcoastladrech wrote:
Nothing more needs to be said.
Perhaps something more should be said.
Are you aware the iPad’s Search feature can be used as a basic calculator?
Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
westcoastladrech wrote:
Nothing more needs to be said.
Perhaps something more should be said.
Are you aware the iPad’s Search feature can be used as a basic calculator?
Use Search on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
Apple invites submission of comments and feature requests via its Product Feedback portal. For iPad and iPadOS:
Wow, no, I was not. I prefer the calculator UI on iPhone but this certainly works in the interim.
Adding Calculator to iPad Control Center