Logic sound library become suddenly mute
Hello, I was working on my projects as usual when suddenly Logic became mute. Unable to understand why (settings was fine) I closed the app and open it again, same problem. I've been restarting the mac and some triangle with a exclamation point on it pop up on all my channels. Speaking with the customers service they told me was necessary download again the full sound library.
So now is two days I'm dealing to downaload 61 giga of stuff. Unfortunately apple made this library as an huge, massive file instead to many small ones as they really are, in this way you'll have Internet out for hours and you can't stop it because being a single huge file is saving any download progress and you can't pause it.
I wish to know why in few seconds I passed from a chilli working on my projects to panic because nothing was working but that's apple magic I guess
MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 14.6