I've been using the same temporary resolution as you for a while now; it feels nostalgic returning to the caveman approach. It reminds me of the iPod touch glory days—we've truly come full circle. It's amazing when you think about it; I wouldn't have thought it possible to return to a bygone era.
It's frustrating that instead of focusing on fixing core features like communication and search functionality, more effort seems to go into adding flashy, often unnecessary AI features. Meanwhile, excessive background tasks and visual animations are inevitably sapping the life out of our processors.
These processors—hyped as some of the best in the world—are being run into the ground by relentless, unnecessary processes Apple insists on running.
For example, when I type "Instagram" into Spotlight search, Siri is forced to dig through a massive amount of data across all the apps I have that start with 'inst.' This process is unavoidable, burning through finite processing power and system resources. It's not just inefficient—it actively slows performance and accelerates wear on the hardware.
My battery health has declined to 80%. While there may be other factors involved, it’s hard to ignore that these endless background processes, along with unavoidable index searches, are directly contributing to battery degradation. Worse, these constant tasks and high CPU usage are actively wearing out the one part of the device we can’t repair or replace—the processor—and we paid a premium for this hardware.
Sources for Verification:
- https://keutek.com/blogs/news/some-ios-16-users-complaining-about-slow-spotlight-search-and-battery-drain
- https://nypost.com/2024/09/17/lifestyle/apple-users-complain-that-ios-18-is-killing-their-iphone-batteries/