Generic items from Amazon is almost always trouble. I barely trust I will actually get a name brand item when ordering from Amazon these days. Who knows what that generic enclosure is doing or its quality. If you want compatible & reliable, then stick with respected brands with a long history. Generally the low end & generic items use the cheapest USB chipsets which tend to have more issues.
Hitachi hard drives get really hot, so it is possible those drives are overheating within that enclosure or are causing that enclosure to overheat. Check the temperature of those hard drives are below their max rated temperature and make sure the enclosure is not too hot. Also, make sure to use NAS rated drives or Enterprise grade drives so that they can handle the vibrations, otherwise those vibrations can severely impair & even damage the hard drives.
You should also check the health of those hard drives....maybe one of them is failing. The drive's SMART health report may also provide some clues for other issues as well. You can try using DriveDx (free trial period) to attempt to check the health of those hard drives, but you will need to install a special USB driver. Even with that special USB driver, it is possible the generic enclosure will not allow the necessary communication with the hard drive to access their health information.
Is the enclosure connected directly to the Mac? If not, then connect it directly to the computer. In fact disconnect all other external devices in case one of them is causing a problem. If the drives are connected directly to the Mac, then try connecting them to a USB3 hub to see if that makes a difference. Try using each other USB-C ports as well and a different USB-C cable.
For best USB3 performance, use USB3 devices that support the UASP protocol (every device in the chain must support it....the drive enclosure as well as the hub/dock/adapters that drive enclosure connects). It is doubtful generic items or low end items will support UASP.