With apologies, ASC crashed Safari, and recovery messed with the formatting of the following.
Okay, so this would best be in a DMZ or hosting the website elsewhere. This as hosting locally risks breaches behind the firewall. But if you’re mixing it all together with a server exposed to the ’net as I’d suspect, then this discussion is headed for some basic knowledge of IP and IP routing, and also some basic knowledge of Apache and its logs.
Apache can be set up in various ways including the built-in, various add-ons, and app packages such as MAMP, so I can’t point to a specific place or specific tutorial for your particular install, and the details of macOS and macOS Server (R.I.P.) have also varied over the years. I’ll assume you’re not running macOS Server here.
If it’s the default macOS Apache install or something close to it, then start with the following commands:
which apachectl
which httpd
httpd -V
That should show you some generic app configuration information, as well as probably showing the path to the error log files.
If not, then look for your httpd.conf file — wherever that is in your install — and look for the error log location directive in that file.
The default location for that Apache configuration file with the macOS (not macOS Server!) built-in Apache is:
Probably finding this directive referencing the error log:
ErrorLog "/private/var/log/apache2/error_log"
Okay. Hopefully you've found your particular error log, and looked in it for errors related to the TLS certificate or the connection, or whatever else might be (not) happening.
The following describes the TLS certificate setup:
I’ll leave IP and DNS troubleshooting aside for the moment, but that may be your next stop.