is there a way to redownload on my Mac
is there a way to redownload on my Mac?
is there a way to redownload on my Mac?
Hello, first off, don't delete If you want to re download you will need to reinstall macOS. This should not result in data loss.
Hello, first off, don't delete If you want to re download you will need to reinstall macOS. This should not result in data loss.
You would need to reinstall from a macOS updater that exactly matches the version of your installed operating system. This would be non-destructive to your home directory, but it is always a good idea to have a Time Machine backup before the first sentence.
From menu : About This Mac., what specific version of macOS do you have installed?
Why do you feel the need to re-download it? Are you having a specific problem? Say what it is so someone might help you.
problem fixed. thanks
problem fixed . call support. thanks
is there a way to redownload on my Mac