BING Removal
Upon opening Google search, my computer now has a redirect to Bing, can anyone provide how to remove Bing, I have done all I know.
Thanks (not very tech savvy)
Upon opening Google search, my computer now has a redirect to Bing, can anyone provide how to remove Bing, I have done all I know.
Thanks (not very tech savvy)
It's redirect adware. Download and run Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes was developed by one of our own colleagues here in ASC and is about the most proven anti-malware software for Mac.
After that restart and reset your preferred search engine.
It's redirect adware. Download and run Malwarebytes. Malwarebytes was developed by one of our own colleagues here in ASC and is about the most proven anti-malware software for Mac.
After that restart and reset your preferred search engine.
BING Removal