I am trying to update to IOS 13 but I am stuck on Update Requested. What do I do?
I am trying to update to IOS 13 but I am stuck on Update Requested. What do I do?
iPhone 8
I am trying to update to IOS 13 but I am stuck on Update Requested. What do I do?
iPhone 8
Try to update with iTunes instead.
Try to update with iTunes instead.
I have been stuck on update requested for a week now....anyone find any answers or know how to possible restart the download?
I’m stuck on update requested and I want the iOS 13
I tried it won’t work
Neither does it update via WiFi not is it updating via iTunes. Does that mean we need to take it to Apple Store?
I am trying to update to IOS 13 but I am stuck on Update Requested. What do I do?