iPhone 6s plus update
how do I update an iPhone 6s plus beyond IOS 12.4.4
how do I update an iPhone 6s plus beyond IOS 12.4.4
Are you sure you have a 6s plus? If it is telling you that you are up to date when you try to update it probably is a 6 Plus. Go to Settings > General > About > Model and post the two numbers there (tap on the number to get the other one) and post them here.
Are you sure you have a 6s plus? If it is telling you that you are up to date when you try to update it probably is a 6 Plus. Go to Settings > General > About > Model and post the two numbers there (tap on the number to get the other one) and post them here.
I just checked my model number on the Apple site and discovered that I actually have a 6 plus (MGCM2LL/A). Thank you for the quick response. My personal memory isn’t what used to be. I guess no more updates for me.
If your phone is running iOS 12.4.4, you have an iPhone 6 Plus, not a 6S Plus. It cannot be upgraded further.
iPhone 6s plus update