Pivot tables in numbers?
Is there Pivot tables in numbers, if not how to compensate it with what?
Is there Pivot tables in numbers, if not how to compensate it with what?
Hi Orson,
In Numbers, Categories are the equivalent to pivot tables.
Menu > Help > categories
Click on a table to make it active.
Organise > Categories > Add a Category
Explore the options under the cogwheel.
Please call back with questions.
Hi Orson,
In Numbers, Categories are the equivalent to pivot tables.
Menu > Help > categories
Click on a table to make it active.
Organise > Categories > Add a Category
Explore the options under the cogwheel.
Please call back with questions.
The 'Categories' feature in Numbers is most similar to 'Subtotal' in Excel (under the Data tab in the ribbon).
It doesn't do the kind of "cross tab" summaries that are central to Pivot Tables in Excel. For those, you need to use SUMIFS and COUNTIFS, just the way you used to have to do in Excel before it added Pivot Tables.
Nevertheless, 'Categories' is a very powerful and handy feature that may do what you want, all without having to enter a formula.
Dear Ian,
Thank you very much : I shall try it out.
Dear S.Gill,
Thanks for your information, I shall try it out.
Pivot tables in numbers?