Etrecheck Report
MacBook Pro running slow - on professional project... Any help appreciated...
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.13
MacBook Pro running slow - on professional project... Any help appreciated...
MacBook Pro 15", macOS 10.13
One further question please. My machine is mid-2015. And I know it's getting to be that time for a new one. However I note that my Etrecheck pro report after several improvements - clearing HD space to over 200MB, etc, I only get "Good" in my performance report. I have a 1TB Apple SSD and Etrecheck says this means there's still something wrong. What could this be? Thanks.
One further question please. My machine is mid-2015. And I know it's getting to be that time for a new one. However I note that my Etrecheck pro report after several improvements - clearing HD space to over 200MB, etc, I only get "Good" in my performance report. I have a 1TB Apple SSD and Etrecheck says this means there's still something wrong. What could this be? Thanks.
Thanks for this. I removed and replaced DiskWarrior and Etrecheck gives me the same result as before for performance - Good (with an Apple 1TB SSD startup disk).
If anyone has another idea my latest etrecheck report is below. Much appreciated.
We use VPN to stream a Netflix movie if we can't access it in Canada. If that's the problem I can uninstall it. Would it help if I reinstall it on an external?
Activity Monitor shows Acrobat Pro DC as highest with 20-75% CPU - until I run Max/MSP which then shows as below:
Thank you - done.
I have another related question: While Max/MSP was not running due to too little free diskspace, I noticed in Activity Monitor that Apple's "YaraScan Service" was using 20-30% of my CPU and 6 - 34GB of my Memory (16GB). When I researched this I read that it's possible to remove YaraScan Service if other virus protection software is installed (I have Malwarebytes Premium). Do you know anything about this?
DiskWarrior is a great utility, but it looks like you have a Preview version of it. I would contact Alsoft and ask them how to safely remove it. Unless you are a beta tester, never use a preview version of anything on a production machine.
As far as Yarascan, I never heard of it. Malwarebytes is plenty sufficient. AppDelete 4.3.3 can remove programs and all their resources on most software.
I don't see any real malware threats on your machine otherwise.
Strange - I've had DiskWarrior for years and I pay :) I will contact Alsoft. Unfortunately they seem to have lots of time to answer questions now that they're perpetually waiting for Apple to allow them access to APFS drives...
MAX/MSP/Jitter, made by cycling 74, is multimedia software that I use to make visual music
Acrobat Pro DC is showing 6 pdf files - no processing, except when I scroll a document.
Others have had this issue. I've written to Adobe.
Remove Teamviewer and Gotomeeting unless remote access is needed. These both should be left off unless absolutely needed.
YaraScan is an anti-virus and should be uninstalled.
Do you really need a VPN?
Can you reduce your Login Items>
Open Activity Monitor, sort on CPU%, see if anything using too much CPU%, click on Memory tab, what is eating up the most RAM?
What is Max/MSP & what is Acrobat Pro DC doing when it uses 20-75% CPU?
OK, thanks.
Etrecheck Report