Smart Keyboard not working after update to IpadOS
Anyone else experience this? My iPad tells me that the device is. It supported. I tried cleaning contacts, force restarting, restoring from my back up, but nothing is working.
iPad Pro 9.7-inch WiFi
Anyone else experience this? My iPad tells me that the device is. It supported. I tried cleaning contacts, force restarting, restoring from my back up, but nothing is working.
iPad Pro 9.7-inch WiFi
Checkout this Apple Support document on how to troubleshoot Smart Keyboard. If the problem still persists please call Apple.
Use your Smart Keyboard Folio or Smart Keyboard with iPad Pro - Apple Support
Checkout this Apple Support document on how to troubleshoot Smart Keyboard. If the problem still persists please call Apple.
Use your Smart Keyboard Folio or Smart Keyboard with iPad Pro - Apple Support
Smart Keyboard not working after update to IpadOS