how can i not allow unknown messages?
Is there an option to not allow unknown messages and calls on iPhone? Reason is I’ve been receiving lots of unknown messages and I feel like they are spams.
iPhone SE
Is there an option to not allow unknown messages and calls on iPhone? Reason is I’ve been receiving lots of unknown messages and I feel like they are spams.
iPhone SE
GAbriel_CT Said:
"how can i not allow unknown messages? Is there an option to not allow unknown messages and calls on iPhone? Reason is I’ve been receiving lots of unknown messages and I feel like they are spams."
Try: Malwarebytes Mobile
The Free Version blocks out texts. The paid version does that but also blocks out phone numbers that are reportedly potential scam numbers. It is a great app to use - I use it all the time. You can do your part in it, by informing its developers of a call you got, and provide them with information on it (i.e. a Robot Call, and mention some notes on the call). You can get it right in the App Store, free of charge. It is developed by longtime users of these forums, making it the only reliable Security Software for Apple devices.
Screenshot 1: Found in the App Store
Screenshot 2: Versions
Settings > Phone > Silence Unknown Calls = On
Settings > Messages> Filter Unknown Senders = On.
how can i not allow unknown messages?