IPad pro 11 magic keyboard slow charging
Why does ipad charge slowly using the magic keyboard
Why does ipad charge slowly using the magic keyboard
I suggest contacting/reaching out to Apple Product support and services.
Tap on the first link below and scroll down some to get to the Apple Product Support section and phone numbers for your location/region.
If you need to, if initial 1st tier Apple customer support is of no help to you, you can calmly ask to have this issue escalated up to more responsible, senior level Apple customer support employees to see if they can come up with other possible advice/solutions to this iPad Pro/Magic Keyboard charging issues, but I make no guarantees, whatsoever.
If need be, you can have your iPad issues escalated all the way up the chain to Apple engineering level customer phone support.
Even if no acceptable resolution, Apple, AT LEAST, logs all support calls and issues.
Best of Luck to You!
I suggest contacting/reaching out to Apple Product support and services.
Tap on the first link below and scroll down some to get to the Apple Product Support section and phone numbers for your location/region.
If you need to, if initial 1st tier Apple customer support is of no help to you, you can calmly ask to have this issue escalated up to more responsible, senior level Apple customer support employees to see if they can come up with other possible advice/solutions to this iPad Pro/Magic Keyboard charging issues, but I make no guarantees, whatsoever.
If need be, you can have your iPad issues escalated all the way up the chain to Apple engineering level customer phone support.
Even if no acceptable resolution, Apple, AT LEAST, logs all support calls and issues.
Best of Luck to You!
When I plugged the original charger of my ipad 11” 2020 into the USB slot of the magic keyboard, the power was at 64%. After leaving it overnight, the power level showed a charge of 66% or only 2% increase for over an 8 hr period. It always happens whenever I charge the iPad this way. So I transferred the charger directly to the ipad which shows a full 100% charge after 2hrs.
Even though the iPad will charge a bit slower using the pass through port in the keyboard, 2% in 8 hours is not acceptable, UNLESS the iPad was running, as in perhaps streaming music or videos? If the iPad was locked and nothing was nothing, I would recommend scheduling an appointment at your Apple Store Genius Bar and show it to them.
Are you using the iPad while it is actually trying to charge?
Are you plugged in to charge through the pass through charging port on the keyboard? If you are, it won't charge as quickly if you charge plugged directly into the iPad.
No. It was connected before I slept from 8pm to 4am. No activity of any kind. Thank you
IPad pro 11 magic keyboard slow charging