How to see recent locations I need Tuesdays
how To see location timeline from two days ago so I can prove to someone Where I was at a certain day and time?
iPad, iPadOS 13
how To see location timeline from two days ago so I can prove to someone Where I was at a certain day and time?
iPad, iPadOS 13
We’re other users. Not Apple. We don’t have access to tracking. Nobody does, pragmatically. Not unless you were running a location-tracking app locally, and all that might prove is that the iPhone followed that path. The cellular provider can know which towers the iPhone was near, but again that can prove little about your location. And that location can be off by multiple kilometers, depending on coverage. A few app providers might collect and store that location data, but you’ll need to contact them, for whichever apps might be running here.
We’re other users. Not Apple. We don’t have access to tracking. Nobody does, pragmatically. Not unless you were running a location-tracking app locally, and all that might prove is that the iPhone followed that path. The cellular provider can know which towers the iPhone was near, but again that can prove little about your location. And that location can be off by multiple kilometers, depending on coverage. A few app providers might collect and store that location data, but you’ll need to contact them, for whichever apps might be running here.
How to see recent locations I need Tuesdays