An Orange sign keep showing up while calls
I found an Orange sign keep showing up while every conversation calls, I have turned off all “microphone” function from other apps, but the sign stays on while my calls
I found an Orange sign keep showing up while every conversation calls, I have turned off all “microphone” function from other apps, but the sign stays on while my calls
That will come up anytime the microphone is activated, i.e. a "hot" mike. It is turned on while you are using the phone app.
I read the same introduction from Apple webpage, now I worry about all my calls being listen or recorded, does anyone know how to find out the what spying our call and how to stop this happening?
That sounds like an error, but what cause this error, hard ware or apps problem, how can I stop this happening?
why this function pops in iOS 14 firmware update, but no solution for user to fix it, what’s the motive, it just funny!
It is not a bug and there is no fix necessary. People are concerned about their phones secretly recording them so Apple added a “hot mike” status light to show when the microphone is on. They modified the API that activates the microphone so that it also activates the light. That is how it is supposed to do.
KennethKok wrote:
I read the same introduction from Apple webpage, now I worry about all my calls being listen or recorded, does anyone know how to find out the what spying our call and how to stop this happening?
Did you worry your calls were being recorded prior to the orange dot being there? The dot simply indicates the microphone is active. If you can create a method to make a phone call without using the microphone, I guess the dot wouldn’t be there. Until that can happen, the orange dot is simply there for your information.
That’s a new privacy feature on iOS and iPadOS 14. The orange dot will show when the microphone has been used and a green dot will show when the camera has been used
An Orange sign keep showing up while calls