Battery problem I phone 6
Battery Problem I phone 6
iPhone X, iOS 14
Battery Problem I phone 6
iPhone X, iOS 14
where did you replaced your battery!? In Apple services centre or any local service centre!? If u have replaced your battery in local service centre check Its original battery or not!
where did you replaced your battery!? In Apple services centre or any local service centre!? If u have replaced your battery in local service centre check Its original battery or not!
What is your battery health!?
to know battery health
if its below 80% or 85% to need to replace ur battery as per Apple suggestion!
Can U help me
I changed Battery last day then the problem not solve battery suddenlydrop
Authorized apple dealer He told there is a chance for IC also if you check this otherwise It is IC problem what shall I do IC replace ?
sry i didn’t come across IC problem.... u can vist near Apple services centre....
Battery problem I phone 6