iPad Air 3 with 14.4 installed getting this app requires specific features...
Thought fitness+ worked on iPad Air 3’s?
Thought fitness+ worked on iPad Air 3’s?
You need more that just the app.
Your iPad needs to be updated to the latest iPadOS 14.3
You need a compatible Apple Watch ( series 3 or later ) updated to its latest WatchOS version and, also, Bluetooth connected to your iPad before the iOS App Store will let you download/install the Apple Fitness+ app.
You need to have or purchase an Apple Watch series 3, or later.
No options.
Thank all,
solved the mystery last night. Apparently the better half hadn’t updated her watch because it tends to slow it down. We are “Family sharing”, but apparently in order to work out with her iPad, or in this case instal the app. I have to sign her out altogether, and sign myself in, then restart the device. Then it was available for download. Hope that helps someone else out!
I like the new fitness+ but the interface is still a bit wonky. It would be nice if I could work out with her and us both be displayed on one screen.
Your device is too old to run iOS 14.4.
Then do the update.
iPad Air 3 with 14.4 installed getting this app requires specific features...