Why does my wifi say weak security after configuring router?
Why does my wifi say weak security after configuring router?
methura Said:
"WiFi: Why does my wifi say weak security after configuring router?"
Encryption is the Culprit:
Likely because your router is using WPA2 for its encryption protocol, which is no longer secure. So, either reconfigure your router's settings to be using WPA3, or upgrade to a new router that supports WPA3. Without getting to technical here, look at the user guide of your router, for more on configuring this.
methura Said:
"WiFi: Why does my wifi say weak security after configuring router?"
Encryption is the Culprit:
Likely because your router is using WPA2 for its encryption protocol, which is no longer secure. So, either reconfigure your router's settings to be using WPA3, or upgrade to a new router that supports WPA3. Without getting to technical here, look at the user guide of your router, for more on configuring this.