Why doesn't my MacBook Air support boot camp assistant?
why doesn't my MacBook Air support bootcamp assistant
why doesn't my MacBook Air support bootcamp assistant
the question asked was WHY it is not possible to log on using bootcamp of hte 2020 M1 MacBook Aire. The second part to hti question is: will something be done in future.
I want to use a Linux operating system. that requires an EFI boot from a USB. Is this possible on the M1 2020
FWIW, only aarch64 builds of Linux have any chance of running
and only aarch54 builds of desktop environments and apps will run.
An ARM64 based computer simply cannot boot an Intel OS.
FWIW, I have tested some aarch64 flavors of Linux with QEMU
which is utilizing Apples ARM64 virtualization framework and
it shows some promise.
As far as externally booting Linux, it is still an adventure just
trying to get an M1 Mac to boot Big Sur externally which is
a coin toss more often than not let alone Linux.
If it is a recent model MacBook Air with a silicon M1 processor it can't run Windows and has no need for Bootcamp
Why doesn't my MacBook Air support boot camp assistant?