On iPad how close open apps/pages
How to close open apps and open pages
iPad mini 5 Wi-Fi
How to close open apps and open pages
iPad mini 5 Wi-Fi
The best way to discover how to use your iPhone and iPad are to refer to the respective User Guides. These rich resources, with both online and downloadable versions of the respective Guides, are often overlooked:
You can switch between App Windows, or force-close Apps, from the Task Switcher. Simply swipe upwards from the bottom of the screen to the centre - and pause - before lifting your finger. A full set of thumbnails for your open Apps will appear, with the most recently used Apps appearing to the right. Tap on an App thumbnail to resume the App - or if the App needs to be closed, swipe the thumbnail off the top of the screen.
You need to be aware that forcing-closed an App is generally unnecessary. Force-closing and relaunching an App uses considerably more power than just resuming an inactive App when needed.
The best way to discover how to use your iPhone and iPad are to refer to the respective User Guides. These rich resources, with both online and downloadable versions of the respective Guides, are often overlooked:
You can switch between App Windows, or force-close Apps, from the Task Switcher. Simply swipe upwards from the bottom of the screen to the centre - and pause - before lifting your finger. A full set of thumbnails for your open Apps will appear, with the most recently used Apps appearing to the right. Tap on an App thumbnail to resume the App - or if the App needs to be closed, swipe the thumbnail off the top of the screen.
You need to be aware that forcing-closed an App is generally unnecessary. Force-closing and relaunching an App uses considerably more power than just resuming an inactive App when needed.
On iPad how close open apps/pages