I am trying to download apps and it says verify but I already had
I am trying to download apps and it says verify but I already had
Hey there, Kokohairdresser1!
Welcome to Apple Support Communities! If we understand correctly, you are running into issues with trying to download apps to your device. We see no one has responded to your post yet. Here are a couple of things that might help others answer your question:
Once these details are posted, others in the Apple Support Communities may be able to offer assistance.
Kind regards.
Hey there, Kokohairdresser1!
Welcome to Apple Support Communities! If we understand correctly, you are running into issues with trying to download apps to your device. We see no one has responded to your post yet. Here are a couple of things that might help others answer your question:
Once these details are posted, others in the Apple Support Communities may be able to offer assistance.
Kind regards.
All sorted now after talking to a helpful staff member at apple