does not recognise usb flashdrive
I have an early 2015 MacBook pro. It no longer recognizes my mini Lexar 32G flash drive. The drive works fine on a Windows 10 laptop. Any suggestions why this happened suddenly and how I can get it to work again?
I have an early 2015 MacBook pro. It no longer recognizes my mini Lexar 32G flash drive. The drive works fine on a Windows 10 laptop. Any suggestions why this happened suddenly and how I can get it to work again?
Thanks for replying. I have tried a different port and restarting. It does appear in disk utility however it will not load in Finder. After awhile it ejects itself and I get the error message that it did not eject properly. I get the same issue on my iMac. It works fine on a windows 10 laptop.
According to Disk Utility the format is MS-DOS FAT32. I have had the drive for about 4 years and have never had a problem. I have 10G of data stored on it. Yesterday I was able to see the contents in finder for the first time since it started acting up. However, I could not open any of the files.
Chances are the USB stick is failing. Windows is a lot more forgiving when there are issues.
Try erasing the whole physical USB stick in order to create a new partition table in addition to a new file system.
The quality of USB sticks is not that great so it would not surprise me that a USB stick could be failing or it may just have bit errors.
I was able to get my data from it using the Windows laptop. I think the drive is toast. Memory is cheap. I'll just get another one. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.
Tried a different USB port?
Does it appear at all in Disk Utility?
Tried restarting the computer?
What format is reported in Disk Utility? Only Fat or Exfat will work on both Macs and PCs. if it is Windows NTFS then Macs require special software.
It sounds like something sporadic is wrong. I have never seen anybody report this kind of thing and I really don't think it is a macOS issue. Did you try a different port?
You're welcome!
does not recognise usb flashdrive