Thank you for being patient with us on this... Here's what I did initially (hope this helps)
1.) Bought her iphone a few years ago and set up the App.ID all under my info because I was using Android. I let her use the email account that I created as well as anything else that would be associated under that ID.
2.) Bought my first iphone a couple weeks ago and when I connected it to my Android for transferring stuff, I entered the ID that was created for my daughters phone (prob. should have done something different but it is what it is now).
3.) All her stuff (3K pictures as an example) instantly appeared on my new phone.
4.) I went into my Apple ID (her's I guess, on the computer) and removed her phone from my account.
5.) We signed out from the ID on her phone (my ID) thinking there must be way to delete the ID from that phone but no such luck.
6.) Last night we created her a whole new Apple ID with a new gmail email tied to it - all her info., ....went onto her phone to see if there was a way to enter in the new ID but I can't seem to find out how to do this since her phone is active and is still trying to make us log on using my ID info.
I guess my question would be, is there a way to get someplace on her phone to enter a new ID so my ID is no longer active on her phone? There's nothing that I can find that asks to enter your Apple ID, it just automatically pulls up mine and wants me to log in. I'm afraid if I do this, all her stuff will again get transferred over to my phone - or maybe it won't since I removed her phone from my account (via the website for Apple ID).
Again, thanks so much for helping us out on this. I know we can do this! :)