I can’t access the APP store from my IPhone 8 Plus, I get a message on my screen that states Safari cannot connect to the server at this time?
I can’t access the App Store on my IPhone8 Plus, Safari is preventing it.
I can’t access the App Store on my IPhone8 Plus, Safari is preventing it.
Correct I am trying to access the App Store from the App icon, but the message I get states Safari is not able
to connect to the server at this time and
to try again later, this has been going on for over a week now. Also my WIFI settings on the phone State I have a
weak connection
Abishag66 wrote:
Yes I am using a VPN
That’s probably why you can’t access the App Store. Try disabling VPN.
Just double checking with you that you ARE using the App Store app to access the App Store, correct? (Not Safari).
Axel F.
turn off celluar and turn off refresh for safari .
make sure its turned on for app store . if it just started maybe you can restore from back up.
Are you connected using VPN?
Yes I am using a VPN
I can’t access the APP store from my IPhone 8 Plus, I get a message on my screen that states Safari cannot connect to the server at this time?